My presentation in Seattle on 13 December 2009, "Unanswered Questions: Was 9/11 an Inside Job?", was uploaded to YouTube a few days ago by Michael L. Sparks. Mike is a 1988 graduate of Liberty University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in history education. He leads a non-profit, think-tank, the 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne), originally based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. They have field-tested and validated military equipment, offering their assessments for no charge to the U.S. Army and industry. This is an innovative and important contribution to the public good, which he conceived as a complement to traditional evaluations, which are not always impartial and objective.
The World Trade Centre smoulders on 11 September 2001. Photograph: Alex Fuchs/AFP/Getty
Mike has been involved in amphibious infantry, combat engineer, logistics, civil affairs, special forces, light M113A3 Gavin mechanized infantry, and medium-heavy Bradley mechanized infantry units throughout his 28-year career. He has also been a featured guest on "The Real Deal", discussing controversial issues related to the assassination of JFK and the events of 9/11, including an analysis of the witness reports at the Pentagon. His background and keen intelligence make him an excellent guest, who has an original and distinctive point of view. Those interviews are archived at His website may be found at
A prior service Marine NCO and officer, Mike is a graduate of Infantry Training School, Camp Pendleton, California; Officer Candidate School, Platoon Leaders Course, Junior and Senior, The (Officer) Basic School, Infantry Officers Course; Advanced Course Phase I, Israeli Airborne School; Combat LifeSaver and U.S. Army Airborne and Retention Schools. His numerous articles on military excellence have been published in U.S. Army Infantry, Armor, Air Defense Artillery Online, Special Warfare, Logician, the Rucksack, Armed Forces Journal International, National Guard, Marine Corps Gazette, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Behind the Lines, SOF, Mountain Bike, Fort Bragg POST, and Fort Benning Bayonet and Military Review. He edited and helped write the highly regarded book, Air-Mech-Strike: Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 21st Century, for retired Brigadier General David Grange's Air-Mech-Strike Study Group (AMS-SG), which is now being prepared for its 3rd edition.
9/11, Mysterious Passengers, Courtroom Malfeasance - Mike Sparks / Peggy Carter interviewed on "The Real Deal" with Jim Fetzer (9 December 2009)
James Bond / Ft. Hood / JFK / 9/11 - Mike Sparks interviewed on "The Real Deal" with Jim Fetzer (13 November 2009)
Nazis, UFOs and James Bond! - Mike Sparks interviewed on "The Real Deal" with Jim Fetzer (8 June 2009)
"Unanswered Questions: Was 9/11 an Inside Job?" (13 December 2009)
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