Below is Chapter 3 of The 9/11 Conspiracy : The Scamming of America (2007). Jack White has a BA in journalism, interests in art and history and a solid career in advertising behind him. As a professional photographer for over half a century, Jack White is skilled in all aspects of photography, but his speciality is photo analysis. Indeed, Jack White is an expert on the assassination of President John F Kennedy and has served as photographic consultant to the US House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) during the hearings. White has published two videotapes on his photographic studies of the assassination and was also a consultant on the Oliver Stone film "JFK". The political collections archive of The W. R. Poage Legislative Library at Baylor University, which is emerging as one of the foremost research facilities for political materials, has partnered with White to duplicate JFK materials from their personal collections. He has also created a website devoted to 9/11, which includes many important observations regarding the 9/11 attacks. The pdf version is found here.
The most surreal scene in history was witnessed by millions of people worldwide on television as it happened. Yet the plumes of smoke and the incredible dust clouds from the the pulverization of two of the world’s tallest buildings within minutes of each other could not adequately portray the horror of thousands of people dying and the total destruction of many buildings. This photo shows Building 7 amid the dust clouds, serenely waiting its turn to fall about seven hours later for no apparent reason. Two five-hundred-thousand ton buildings were converted to dust in approxiately ten seconds each. According to The 9/11 Commission Report (2004), the buildings were destroyed by the combination of jetplane impacts and jet-fuel based fires which caused the steel to weaken and bring about a “pancake collapse.” The photographic record makes that very difficult to believe.
Left to right, top to bottom: Demolition starts badly; the top 300 feet of WTC-2 tilted as much as 23 degrees before being “blown to Kingdom come.” No one had ever attempted to demolish a building the size of a twin tower, and the dust cloud from WTC-1 helped to distract and cover up problems in destroying WTC-2. As the buildings disintegrated, huge steel columns many feet long were scattered like matchsticks for hundreds of feet. The tower peeled downward as dark explosions shot up, while white ones exploded outward. Above the white explosions, the tower is turning to dust as the lower part awaits its fate. At lower right, as explosions destroy WTC-2, huge sections of disintegrating steel “wheatchex” showered down on WTC-3, the Marriott Hotel. According to the “official account,” fires that caused a collapse due to gravity brought down these buildings.
Along Vesey Street were WTC buildings 5, 6, and 7. Lower photo shows two huge cavities in eight-story WTC-6 at center and a smaller but striking gash on the side of Building 5 just above. Neither building was struck by significant debris from either of the Twin Towers, right. Across Vesey Street, at left, is a neat pile that was the 47-story Building 7, which imploded and fell at the speed of gravity into its own footprint. Top photo shows a gash on the side of Building 3, with walls of WTC-1 reeling oddly nearby. Other photos of the hole in Building 6 show little debris of any kind within, which is very difficult, even impossible, for the government to explain. How could a collapse of the towers possibly account for this?
WTC-7, above right, during the attack on the Twin Towers, appears undamaged except for a modest fire at street level. Below right, WTC-7 (on the right) still appears in no distress long after both towers had fallen. Frames (above) from video of the collapse of WTC Building 7 shows a perfectly controlled demolition of WTC-7, which was two blocks away from WTC-1 and 2 and only superficially hit by debris from 1 and 2. At 5:20 PM, over six hours after WTC-1 and WTC-2 fell, WTC-7 came down in free fall into its own footprint, a sure sign of controlled demolition, which causes a “kink” in the center of the building. The official story claims that diesel fuel reservoirs in the building exploded, resulting in fires that brought the building down, even though there is no recorded case of the fire-induced collapse of a large steel-protected building; and only very small fires were burning when WTC-7 “collapsed.” Diesel fuel does not explode, and it burns at low temperatures.
The World Trade Center was built on bedrock, protected by an underground “bathtub” or foundation ring (top, left, and diagram) down seven stories below the surface of lower Manhattan to prevent flooding by the Hudson River, only a block away. On September 11 the bathtub mysteriously remained without significant damage despite two huge towers collapsing on it. It was not built to withstand such colossal impact. No foundation structure could remain unscathed after a mountain of quarter-mile high material was dropped on it twice. The intact bathtub appears to contradict the official theory of gravity-driven collapse in which virtually the entire weight of the Twin Towers would crash into the bathtub. Even subway cars within the bathtub were not crushed, lower right.
At bottom, a mysterious explosion shot by an “unknown” photographer before any fire trucks arrived purports to show the explosion of Flight 77 within the building. Researchers wonder how a photographer happened to be directly under the incoming flight with a camera and capture such a remarkable image; some suspect the image was faked and others that it was a later occurrence. At top are official “before and after” photos of the alleged impact point; upper right shows where the wall collapsed directly over the “impact point” but upper left shows the same area before the wall collapsed, and unbroken windows and undamaged wall are seen at the “impact point” of the “plane,” which was 125 feet wide and 44 feet tall. Hard to believe.
At top, fire trucks from National Airport arrived at the Pentagon within ten minutes and had all fires out within seven minutes. They saw no aircraft wreckage or damage to the lawn. They did not know there had been a “plane crash” because the main fire they found was a burning trailer. The stream of water at left had been a “plane crash” because the main fire they found was a burning trailer. The stream of water at left is being sprayed at the alleged impact point, yet the wall is not visibly breeched. At bottom, a Pentagon security camera captures an image said to be an “incoming plane” (red rectangle), yet it is much too small to be a Boeing 757 (inset) like American Airlines Flight 77, plus it is emitting a trail of smoke like a missile.
United Airlines Flight 93, a huge Boeing 767, allegedly crashed at high speed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, leaving virtually no crash debris and little damage to grass or trees. Witnesses described and photos confirm only a small trench in the grassy field. The official story says the soft ground “swallowed” the entire plane and its occupants. A lady named Val McClatchy allegedly took the photo at top of a small puff of smoke claimed to be the plane exploding near her home, yet pieces of the plane were found up to eight miles away. A coroner called to the scene saw not a single body, but the official story said DNA identified all victims.
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9/11: A Photographic Portfolio of Death and Devastation
The most surreal scene in history was witnessed by millions of people worldwide on television as it happened. Yet the plumes of smoke and the incredible dust clouds from the the pulverization of two of the world’s tallest buildings within minutes of each other could not adequately portray the horror of thousands of people dying and the total destruction of many buildings. This photo shows Building 7 amid the dust clouds, serenely waiting its turn to fall about seven hours later for no apparent reason. Two five-hundred-thousand ton buildings were converted to dust in approxiately ten seconds each. According to The 9/11 Commission Report (2004), the buildings were destroyed by the combination of jetplane impacts and jet-fuel based fires which caused the steel to weaken and bring about a “pancake collapse.” The photographic record makes that very difficult to believe.
Left to right, top to bottom: Demolition starts badly; the top 300 feet of WTC-2 tilted as much as 23 degrees before being “blown to Kingdom come.” No one had ever attempted to demolish a building the size of a twin tower, and the dust cloud from WTC-1 helped to distract and cover up problems in destroying WTC-2. As the buildings disintegrated, huge steel columns many feet long were scattered like matchsticks for hundreds of feet. The tower peeled downward as dark explosions shot up, while white ones exploded outward. Above the white explosions, the tower is turning to dust as the lower part awaits its fate. At lower right, as explosions destroy WTC-2, huge sections of disintegrating steel “wheatchex” showered down on WTC-3, the Marriott Hotel. According to the “official account,” fires that caused a collapse due to gravity brought down these buildings.
Along Vesey Street were WTC buildings 5, 6, and 7. Lower photo shows two huge cavities in eight-story WTC-6 at center and a smaller but striking gash on the side of Building 5 just above. Neither building was struck by significant debris from either of the Twin Towers, right. Across Vesey Street, at left, is a neat pile that was the 47-story Building 7, which imploded and fell at the speed of gravity into its own footprint. Top photo shows a gash on the side of Building 3, with walls of WTC-1 reeling oddly nearby. Other photos of the hole in Building 6 show little debris of any kind within, which is very difficult, even impossible, for the government to explain. How could a collapse of the towers possibly account for this?
WTC-7, above right, during the attack on the Twin Towers, appears undamaged except for a modest fire at street level. Below right, WTC-7 (on the right) still appears in no distress long after both towers had fallen. Frames (above) from video of the collapse of WTC Building 7 shows a perfectly controlled demolition of WTC-7, which was two blocks away from WTC-1 and 2 and only superficially hit by debris from 1 and 2. At 5:20 PM, over six hours after WTC-1 and WTC-2 fell, WTC-7 came down in free fall into its own footprint, a sure sign of controlled demolition, which causes a “kink” in the center of the building. The official story claims that diesel fuel reservoirs in the building exploded, resulting in fires that brought the building down, even though there is no recorded case of the fire-induced collapse of a large steel-protected building; and only very small fires were burning when WTC-7 “collapsed.” Diesel fuel does not explode, and it burns at low temperatures.
The World Trade Center was built on bedrock, protected by an underground “bathtub” or foundation ring (top, left, and diagram) down seven stories below the surface of lower Manhattan to prevent flooding by the Hudson River, only a block away. On September 11 the bathtub mysteriously remained without significant damage despite two huge towers collapsing on it. It was not built to withstand such colossal impact. No foundation structure could remain unscathed after a mountain of quarter-mile high material was dropped on it twice. The intact bathtub appears to contradict the official theory of gravity-driven collapse in which virtually the entire weight of the Twin Towers would crash into the bathtub. Even subway cars within the bathtub were not crushed, lower right.
At bottom, a mysterious explosion shot by an “unknown” photographer before any fire trucks arrived purports to show the explosion of Flight 77 within the building. Researchers wonder how a photographer happened to be directly under the incoming flight with a camera and capture such a remarkable image; some suspect the image was faked and others that it was a later occurrence. At top are official “before and after” photos of the alleged impact point; upper right shows where the wall collapsed directly over the “impact point” but upper left shows the same area before the wall collapsed, and unbroken windows and undamaged wall are seen at the “impact point” of the “plane,” which was 125 feet wide and 44 feet tall. Hard to believe.
At top, fire trucks from National Airport arrived at the Pentagon within ten minutes and had all fires out within seven minutes. They saw no aircraft wreckage or damage to the lawn. They did not know there had been a “plane crash” because the main fire they found was a burning trailer. The stream of water at left had been a “plane crash” because the main fire they found was a burning trailer. The stream of water at left is being sprayed at the alleged impact point, yet the wall is not visibly breeched. At bottom, a Pentagon security camera captures an image said to be an “incoming plane” (red rectangle), yet it is much too small to be a Boeing 757 (inset) like American Airlines Flight 77, plus it is emitting a trail of smoke like a missile.
United Airlines Flight 93, a huge Boeing 767, allegedly crashed at high speed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, leaving virtually no crash debris and little damage to grass or trees. Witnesses described and photos confirm only a small trench in the grassy field. The official story says the soft ground “swallowed” the entire plane and its occupants. A lady named Val McClatchy allegedly took the photo at top of a small puff of smoke claimed to be the plane exploding near her home, yet pieces of the plane were found up to eight miles away. A coroner called to the scene saw not a single body, but the official story said DNA identified all victims.
The Great Zapruder Film Hoax
Source URL: The People Blog for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
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